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Die Heirat von Johnny Cash und June Carter

Die Heirat von Johnny Cash und June Carter

We all know him one way or another. Most of us have been singing or mumbling along with him playing on the radio or at the pub most of our lives. Mr. Johnny Cash. As well as challenging the country genre for more then 40 years, he was a man who was not afraid to tell the world about his love. Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash is a love story we’ve heard in song many times.

Many of his songs were written about or to his beloved, June Carter Cash who he worked with on his tours before they were married, March 1, 1968. And who he would stay with for 35 years until death parted them in 2003 when June died.

The Johnny Cash and June Carter Love Story

They openly showed their affection towards each other on stage for the whole world to see. It was also a true Rock’n’roll marriage. Johnny and June lived their lives in the studio, on the the road with plenty of alcohol and drugs involved.

Before he met June on his tours, Johnny was married to Vivian Cash with whom he had four daughters. While Johnny was air force training he met Vivian at a roller skating rink in San Antonio. They dated for three weeks before he was sent to Germany, where he would stay for the next three years. The couple wrote hundreds of love letters to each other. Only a month after he returned, on 7 of August 1951 they were married.

The marriage lasted until 1966. Vivian filed for devoice due to Johnny’s alcohol and drug abuse and new love interest June Carter. Although countless books and films have been made about the love triangle, 35 years of marriage speaks for it self.

After June died, Johnny was devastated. At a family gathering he said:

I don’t know hardly what to say tonight about being up here without her. The pain is so severe; there is no way of describing it.

Johnny Cash died less than four months later.

I wrote the song “walk the line” backstage one night in 1956 in Gladewater, Texas. I was newly married at the time, and I suppose I was laying out my pledge of devotion.

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